Post American
  Letter: Bush's actions constitute resignation or impeachment - Opinion
Letter: Bush's actions constitute resignation or impeachment - Opinion
"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance the cause of terror."

Eleven members of an Iraqi family were killed in a U.S. raid on Wednesday, police and witnesses said. The U.S. military said two women and a child died during the bid to seize an al Qaeda militant from a house. "There was one enemy killed. Two women and one child were also killed in the firefight. The building ... (was) destroyed."
Television footage showed the bodies in the Tikrit morgue -- five children, two men and four women. Their wounds were not clear though one infant had a gaping head wound. U.S. forces had landed on the roof of the house in the early hours and shot the 11 occupants, including the five children. "After they left the house they blew it up," he said. Another policeman, Colonel Farouq Hussein, said autopsies had been carried out at Tikrit hospital and found "all the victims had gunshot wounds to the head".

Q Going with Iran, Senator Byrd last week was asking Secretary Rumsfeld and Peter Pace about the supplemental money, and asking whether any of this would be going to support a tax on Iran in any way, shape or form. He was eventually told no. Is that, in fact, the case?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, I think you heard our testimony from our officials that are on the Hill, and I would stand by that testimony. I haven't looked at that specific testimony recently.

Q Scott, Senator Feingold is talking about censure relating to the NSA spying program, saying that the President was acting outside the law at a time when White House has said it's trying to codify the President's authority. What's your response to that?
MR. McCLELLAN: Well, the
terrorist surveillance program is a program that has helped us to prevent attacks and save lives. It is vital to our nation's security. And it would be interesting to see how many Democrats actually agree with the view of Senator Feingold. Do Democrats support Senator Feingold's view, or do they support this vital program? The American people have made it very clear they support the President's efforts to defeat the terrorists and prevent attacks from happening.
The President has made it very clear he's not going to wait to be hit again. We are going to continue going after the terrorists wherever they are. And if you're talking to al Qaeda, or al Qaeda affiliated terrorists, we want to know. And it's important to keep in mind during a time of war that enemy surveillance is critical in those efforts. So what we ought to be doing is working together to defeat the terrorists, not engaging in partisan politics. So the question becomes, where do other Democrats stand? Do they agree with him in his view? I know Congressman Conyers has expressed a view about impeachment or something along those lines. Is this the view of the Democratic Party?
The enemy is the "terrorists" and al Qaeda 9nudge nudge wink wink) members, not the President. And we ought to be focusing our efforts on going after the enemy and doing everything we can to prevent attacks from happening. And that's what this President has done and will continue to do.

Bush is extremely naive. What he does not realize is that he is every bit as expendible to the people in charge as the American troops overseas are. As soon as he has outlived his usefulness, I expect he will meet an end-in-the-road that will result in some added benefit to his keepers.
Bush, Cheney, Powel, Rice, Rumsfeld and others could easily be implicated in a coming new "attack on the US" and be tied back to 9/11. And while the whole country is struggling to deal with this and their failing economy, the perps (that self interest government within the US government) are home free.


The Commander in Chief Has Lost the Troops
Eighty-five percent believe they are in Iraq "to retaliate for Saddam's roll in the 9/11 attacks," when in fact Saddam had no role in 9/11. And 77 percent of soldiers think the war was "to stop Saddam from protecting al-Qaeda in Iraq" – again, Saddam and al-Qaeda were never allies: indeed, they were enemies, the former secular and the latter religious.

Poll: US Troops signal desire to come home!
One surprising finding in the poll is that 85 percent of those surveyed believe that the US's main mission in Iraq is to retaliate against Saddam Hussein for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks? Numerous commissions and studies have been unable to find that Iraq played any role in the 9/11 bombings.

30% of Stupid Ugly Americans Still Perceive Hussein-9/11 Link?

Bush told reporters he remained confident al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden "will be brought to justice" despite a so-far futile hunt.
It's been 1,626 days since GWB said he'd catch UBL 'Dead or Alive!'

Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? As Many As 250,000!

Saddam the Maniacal Monster...?
...the head of the Mukhabarat was put in prison for three years for taking the lives of four innocent men. Is this the behavior of a mass-murdering maniac? In fact, when was the last time anyone got a slap on the wrist in any state in the US for the execution of an innocent man?Just more obvious proof that all one had to do was not overtly provoke Saddam to be just fine in Ba'athist Iraq. Hell, even if you did you sometimes turned out just fine. Just ask Ali Jaafar and Jassem Mohammed. They might still be alive if they haven't been killed by the current war.

OCCUPIED BAGHDAD, The New Iraq -- A defiant Saddam Hussein admitted in court Wednesday that he ordered the trial of 148 Shiites eventually executed in the 1980s, but he insisted that doing so was legal because they were suspected in an assassination attempt against him.
"Where is the crime? Where is the crime?" Saddam asked?

Hussein -- a Sunni Muslim -- said Iraqis should be united against the U.S. invasion.
Hussein reportedly learned of the sectarian fighting during a seven-hour meeting earlier this week with a lawyer. On Tuesday, in Hussein's ancestral homeland of Tikrit, bombers damaged a mosque named for his late father.

Bush calls Saddam 'the guy who tried to kill my dad' discussing the threat posed by Saddam, the current president offered his staple list of complaints about Iraq's defiance of the United Nations and his contention that Iraq is working aggressively on chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs. "This is a man who continually lies," Bush said.


Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President
The president's real goal in Iraq
The Project for the New American Century.
The Plan is for the United States to rule the world.
America's War for Global Domination:
Memo: Bush made intel fit Iraq policy
Secret Downing Street Memo
At Least 30 Killed in New Iraq Violence
At Least 75 Killed Yesterday in Iraq Attacks
Negroponte: Iraq May Spark Regional Battle
Iraqi Shi'ites Told: Leave Home or Be Killed

Iran could play Iraq card in row over nuclear plans
The Americans removed their Taliban enemies in Afghanistan? Saddam is gone and there is a pro-Iranian government in Baghdad. Saudi Arabia's influence has been neutralised since 9/11?
neither Right or Left

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Location: Albuquerque, The Homeland

So when do we get invaded to remove the rogue government that spies on its own people, gases its own people during anti War protests, stages "terrorist" attacks, holds crooked elections, attacks other nations without cause, and uses torture on innocent people looking for WMD that don't exist?

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