Bush: 'I Believe in Open Government'
http://asne.org/index.cfm?ID=5722Bush denounced the fake news programs used by government agencies to promote new initiatives.” Armstrong Williams –– it was wrong what happened there in the Education Department,” he said when asked whether the practice was deceptive. “I think there needs to be full disclosure about the sourcing of the video news clip in order to make sure that people don’t think their taxpayer’s money is being used to – in wrong fashion.”
The Army has completed its latest investigation into football star Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death while a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan but is refusing to make public the findings.
http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0414tillman14.htmlWhy did it take the Pentagon five weeks to acknowledge that her son was not killed by Taliban and al-Qaida fighters but by a section of his own Army Rangers platoon?
White House Said to Impede Education Probe
http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Education-Investigation.htmlEducation Secretary Margaret Spellings is considering invoking a privilege that he said would require information to be deleted when the final version is publicly released, which is expected within days.
Another Fake Terror Alert Is Exposed
http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/april2005/140405faketerror.htmColin Powell does not need more humiliation over the manifold errors in his February 2003 presentation to the UN. But yesterday a London jury brought down another section of the case he made for war - that Iraq and Osama bin Laden were supporting and directing terrorist poison cells throughout Europe, including a London ricin ring.
Jews were target of UK poison plot
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=JPost/JPArticle/ShowFull&cid=1113445108305Fucking Jews
Israeli shells found in south Lebanon
http://feeds.bignewsnetwork.com/?sid=29252f78628772eeLooks like Israel wants to kick off a war by staging an attack from Lebanon and/or Syria into Israel ... hitting the US soldiers positioned there to deal with the settlers.
US Troops Take Position in Israel
http://www.sierratimes.com/05/04/13/204_60_87_130_99378.htmUS intervention into a civil war with a nuclear power is potentially a nuclear conflict. To prepare for that possibility, the carrier groups are supplied with nuclear weapons.
The stench of panic
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=564788&contrassID=2&subContrassID=4&sbSubContrassID=0Israelis shoot militant in Nablus
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4444859.stmIbrahim Smeri, 23, was killed by members of a special unit disguised as Arabs, Palestinian sources said.
In an effort to increase its ranks for coming wars, the U.S. military is recruiting - and paying - children as young as 14 years old for future combat duty.
http://www.pointblank-dm.com/archive/2005/mar/033105/cover.shtml"Is it unfortunate that we have to recruit children to serve in battle? Absolutely," he says. "But most countries have had children soldiering for centuries. We're just leveling the playing field."
OCCUPIED BAGHDADMilitants exploded three bombs Friday in the Iraqi capital, killing at least one civilian and wounding eight others, officials said, the latest in a series of deadly attacks across Baghdad.
http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/w-me/2005/apr/15/041509830.html"One of God's lions from the martyrdom seekers' brigade took off this morning Friday and rammed his car into a convoy of Americans."
Zealous theocrats afflict every society from Afghanistan to Arkansas.
http://www.nwanews.com/story.php?paper=adg§ion=Editorial&storyid=113393They always know the absolute truth and strive to inflict it on others. Their obsessions usually revolve around sex, like those zealots in Saudi Arabia’s religious police who prevented 15 teen-aged girls from fleeing a school fire because they were improperly dressed. For years now, the national discourse has been driven by persons whose moral/theological views are somewhere between childish and insane. Most others either tend toward partial agreement on "wedge issues" like gay marriage or are too polite in the ecumenical sense to argue. Instead, they wait quietly for the metaphorical pendulum to swing toward the center. Hence, politicians like DeLay and Bush never pay the price for consorting with extremists. It’s time to remind these jokers that regardless of how "devout" they claim to be, this is the United States of America and the rest of us are not obliged to pretend that their political opinions are sanctioned by God, nor even that they are sane.