Post American
Israeli commandos storm Gaza hotel
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said before Thursday's hotel raid that he had ordered a security crackdown on the ultranationalists he described as "lawless gangs" engaged in "a reign of terror" threatening Israel's democracy. Far-right Jews protesting at the pullout plan also blocked several highways around Israel during Wednesday's rush-hour. About 150 demonstrators were arrested and police used water cannon to disperse some of the blockades.

War? What war?
As the Iraq nightmare deepens, Fox News and its cable competitors wallow in shark attacks and Natalee Holloway. If you don't cover a war, does it exist?

President Bush cries ‘9/11’ one too many times
If the “terrorists” — a conveniently vague term that apparently can include any group at the administration’s whim — truly intend to attack on American soil, why would they waste their time in Iraq?

Stay the Crooked Course
Forget the documentary evidence (the Downing Street minutes) that the war on Iraq was fraudulent from the outset. Forget that the U.S. and UK started pulverizing Iraq with stepped-up bombing months before president or prime minister breathed a word to Congress or Parliament. Forget that Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and his merry men – his co-opted, castrated military brass – have no clue regarding what U.S. forces are up against in Iraq. The president insists that we must stay the course.

Dangerous Incompetence
The incompetence at the highest levels of government in Washington has undermined the U.S. troops who have fought honorably and bravely in Iraq, which is why the troops are now stuck in a murderous quagmire. If a Democratic administration had conducted a war this incompetently, the Republicans in Congress would be dusting off their impeachment manuals.

Bush sets up domestic spy service
The White House says it is enacting the measures to fight international terrorist groups and prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Rescuers reach downed chopper in Afghanistan
U.S. spokesman declines to comment on report some Americans missing

The Other War We're Losing
Our failure is strategic, not tactical, and it can only be remedied by a change in strategic objective. Instead of trying to remake Afghanistan, we need to redefine our strategic objective to accept that country as it is, always has been and always will be: a poor, primitive, and faction-ridden place, dependent on poppy cultivation and proud of its strict Islamic traditions.

White House taking seriously allegations that Iran's president-elect was a former hostage taker
"You're either for us or you're for the terrorists. Well, now the leader of Iran is a terrorist."
Transcript: President Bush's Fort Bragg speech
Here are the words of Usama bin Laden: "This third world war is raging" in Iraq. "The whole world is watching this war." He says it will end in "victory and glory or misery and humiliation."

1,381 days since GWB said he'd catch UBL 'Dead or Alive!'
Freedom Tower Features Attack Precautions
The newest plan for the Freedom Tower at the former World Trade Center site features a more bomb-resistant design pushed well away from the street and incorporating heavily protected elevators and utilities.

Ex-Detainees Allege The Holy Koran Was Abused
The Pentagon denied the accusations and said al Qaeda training manuals instruct prisoners to make such charges.

The Big Lie
Stripped of the usual lies that have driven his Iraq policy from the start, President George W. Bush Tuesday went back to square one and played the big one – trying to tie the 9/11 terrorist attacks to his failed war.

Bush 'exploiting 9/11'
"The US military presence in Iraq has become a powerful recruiting tool for terrorists, and Iraq is now the premier training ground and networking venue for the next generation of jihadists!"

Bush slammed for Iraq link to 9/11
Bush never used the term "insurgent," referring to them instead as "terrorists."

Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link
Many Americans believe that some of the hijackers were Iraqi - when none were - and that the attacks had been orchestrated by Baghdad, despite any concrete evidence to support that.
This confusion has been partly attributed to, at best a lack of clarity by the administration and at worst, deliberate obfuscation. As recently as last Sunday, Vice-President Dick Cheney, refused to rule out a link between Iraq and 11 September, saying "'we don't know".

So let’s try to get this straight. We invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, except he didn’t, and because he was tied in to the attacks of September 11, except he wasn’t. We’re staying in Iraq, President Bush said Tuesday night, because terrorists with the same ideology as those behind 9-11 have congregated there since we arrived.
Rather than go after Osama bin Laden directly, we decided to overthrow Hussein to enable bin Laden’s legions to relocate to Iraq and defeat them there. So much for straightforward strategy. This was cunning beyond belief -- indeed, beyond comprehension.

Bush's Iraq-9/11 link irks US press
And while Iraq's connection with September 11 "is not spurious" since Iraq is now crawling with terrorists, Bush "did not explain how a war meant to remove a tyrant believed to wield weapons of mass destruction turned into a fight against Muslim militants, a transformation caused in part by his administration's many errors" since Saddam Hussein was toppled two years ago.

GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11
"Saddam Hussein and people like him were very much involved in 9/11," Rep. Robin Hayes said.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

How lucky for our government that just when they are planning to invade another country, for the express purpose of removing that government, a convenient "terrorist" attack occurs to anger Americans into support for an invasion.

Bush Tries to Rally the Troops
To counter public perceptions that the war isn't worth the cost in dollars and human lives, the President made a cogent rebuttal. "Amid all this violence, I know Americans ask the question: Is the sacrifice worth it? It is worth it, and it is vital to the future security of our country."

In 1999, Bush Demanded A Timetable
"Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy , I think it’s also important for the president to lay out a timetable as to how long they will be involved and when they will be withdrawn."

For U.S. troops, the question is ‘Who can you trust?’
A hard fact of life on top of a President who lied to trick them into the far in the first place.

Bush Critics Call for More Troops in Iraq
Democrats in particular criticized Bush for again raising the Sept. 11 attacks as a justification for the protracted fight in Iraq after the president proclaimed anew that he plans to keep U.S. forces there as long as necessary to ensure peace.

17 troops died in chopper crash, U.S. says
Tuesday’s crash came after three months of unprecedented fighting that has killed about 465 suspected insurgents, 29 U.S. troops, 43 Afghan police and soldiers, and 125 civilians. The violence has left much of Afghanistan off-limits to aid workers and has heightened concerns that the war here is escalating into a conflict on the scale of that in Iraq.

U.S. Helicopter Apparently Downed by Hostile Fire
Tuesday's attack would apparently be the first time a U.S.-led coalition aircraft here has been downed by hostile fire, representing a major new threat to the coalition. The U.S.-backed mujahedeen war against Soviet occupiers in Afghanistan in the 1980s finally turned when the Afghan fighters acquired the ability to shoot down Soviet aircraft.

Bush at Fort Bragg—fear-mongering, lies and desperation
The decisive issue posed by the eruption of American militarism is the need for the building of a political movement against war, independent of the Democrats and Republicans and based on the American working people. Such a movement must begin with the demand for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq. It must reject the entire fraud of the “war on terror,” and insist that all those who conspired to launch the war in Iraq be held responsible both politically and criminally.

George W. Bush, One Lying Son of a Bitch
Note to the military: It is getting pretty damn hard to support you when I watch you cheer this vile criminal as he lies to you and asks you to die for his PNAC handlers. Iraq was not your enemy and they were not threatening our liberty, our freedom or our safety. You swore to protect our liberty, freedom and our Constitution. You did not swear to achieve the goals of the ruling elite. Wake up and start understanding that it is the anti-war movement who support you while your commander in chief lies to you. Start thinking for yourself. Would you rather have a yellow ribbon on your grave or would you rather have the support, admiration and appreciation of the anti-war community who spend their lives looking out for your best interest?

Bush is sticking to the lies that he included in the formal letter and report that he submitted to the United States Congress within 48 hours after having launched the invasion of Iraq. In the letter, dated March 18, 2003, the President made a formal determination, as required by the Joint Resolution on Iraq passed by the U.S. Congress in October 2002, that military action against Iraq was necessary to "protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq," as well as suggesting that the war is part of a global campaign against those behind the attacks of September 11, 2001. But Iraq couldn't even shoot down an airplane after endless and illegal provocation during the summer of 2002. What was the threat? That they would nuke us in 45 minutes, that unmanned planes would spray us with killer chemicals? These lies have all been shredded, and yet the idea that there was a threat is still new news to ABC News.

Washington in crisis over opposition to Iraq war
The near universal dismissal by the American media of the significance of the so-called Downing Street memo—the British document confirming that the Bush administration “fixed” US intelligence to provide a false justification for an unprovoked war—is one more example of the media’s complicity in this aggression.

Bliar Defends Iraq War, Dismisses Memo
"Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD,'' read the memo, seen by The Associated Press. "But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.''

A Quick Way to End the Insurgency: Impeach Bush Now
The people of the U.S. can demand an impeachment of Bush and signal to the people of Iraq, the Mideast and the world that they will take matters into their hands and show they want a modicum of people and justice on this planet. That is, if the people of the U.S. actually do want a modicum of peace and justice on this planet.

Police open fire on Iraq crowd - witnesses
Bush made a big deal last night about how many Iraqis were joining up with the defense forces, but as this article shows, there simply aren't any otherjobs than police and army if the Iraqi people want to eat.

Soldiers Fire in Air to Break Up Gaza Clash
Sharon also said rabbis who urged their followers to resist the evacuation should be punished.

Israel's planned withdrawal from Gaza Strip surrounded by continuous clashes
Young Jewish settlers went on a stone-throwing rampage after clashing with Israeli troops at an outpost on the outskirts of this Jewish settlement.

Rightist Jews, Palestinians clash in Gaza
"Mohammed is a pig," read graffiti daubed by Jewish squatters on a house wall. A yellow flag of the outlawed anti-Arab group Kach waved from its roof.

Extremist Israelis Block Highway Over Gaza
The growing violence drew sharp condemnation from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who called on authorities to use an ``iron fist'' against extremists who he said are threatening to divide the country.

Jail for soldier who sided with settlers
AN Israeli soldier who disobeyed orders to remove Jewish settlers attempting to block army bulldozers from demolishing deserted buildings in a settlement in Gaza has been sentenced to 56 days in jail.

Thousands riot in China, attack police, burn carsThe violence was the latest in a series of protests which the Communist Party, in power since 1949, fears could spin out of control and become a channel for anger over corruption and a growing gap between rich and poor.
LIE: WMDs. LIE:Iraq connection to 9-11. LIE: Saddam's connection to 9-11. Towards the end of his speech, Bush says "We live in freedom because every generation has produced patriots willing to serve a cause greater than themselves." So why aren't Bush's daughters carrying a rifle? Because Daddy is a chickenshit. Bush went AWOL. Cheney never served, nor did Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, Richard Pearle, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, Condi Rice, John Bolton, Bill Bennett, Tom DeLay, Jeb Bush, Trent Lott, Ted Nugent and many more people who have no problem ordering our kids to go and die, or go on TV and tell the country how great this war is. IF YOU THINK WE SHOULD BE FIGHTING IN IRAQ, MARCH YOUR ASS DOWN TO THE NEAREST RECRUITING STATION AND PUT YOUR ASS WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS, OR SHUT THE HELL UP!! The only thing that President Spineless said that made any sense at all is that we need to support our troops. I agree- bring 'em home!!
Freedom Tower Features Attack Precautions
The newest plan for the Freedom Tower at the former World Trade Center site features a more bomb-resistant design pushed well away from the street and incorporating heavily protected elevators and utilities.

Bush slammed for Iraq link to 9/11
Bush never used the term "insurgent," referring to them instead as "terrorists."

Bush's Iraq-9/11 link irks US press
And while Iraq's connection with September 11 "is not spurious" since Iraq is now crawling with terrorists, Bush "did not explain how a war meant to remove a tyrant believed to wield weapons of mass destruction turned into a fight against Muslim militants, a transformation caused in part by his administration's many errors" since Saddam Hussein was toppled two years ago.

GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11
"Saddam Hussein and people like him were very much involved in 9/11," Rep. Robin Hayes said.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Bush at Fort Bragg—fear-mongering, lies and desperation
The decisive issue posed by the eruption of American militarism is the need for the building of a political movement against war, independent of the Democrats and Republicans and based on the American working people. Such a movement must begin with the demand for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq. It must reject the entire fraud of the “war on terror,” and insist that all those who conspired to launch the war in Iraq be held responsible both politically and criminally.

Bliar Defends Iraq War, Dismisses Memo
"Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD,'' read the memo, seen by The Associated Press. "But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.''

A Quick Way to End the Insurgency: Impeach Bush Now
The people of the U.S. can demand an impeachment of Bush and signal to the people of Iraq, the Mideast and the world that they will take matters into their hands and show they want a modicum of people and justice on this planet. That is, if the people of the U.S. actually do want a modicum of peace and justice on this planet.

Police open fire on Iraq crowd - witnesses
Bush made a big deal last night about how many Iraqis were joining up with the defense forces, but as this article shows, there simply aren't any otherjobs than police and army if the Iraqi people want to eat.

Sunni men in Baghdad targeted by attackers in police uniforms
Saddam's security forces tortured and killed thousands of Shiite Muslims and the Sunni-led insurgency has slain thousands in car bombs, assassinations, beheadings and drive-by shootings during the past two years.

Thousands riot in China, attack police, burn cars
The violence was the latest in a series of protests which the Communist Party, in power since 1949, fears could spin out of control and become a channel for anger over corruption and a growing gap between rich and poor.

For U.S. troops, the question is ‘Who can you trust?’
A hard fact of life on top of a President who lied to trick them into the far in the first place.

Bush Critics Call for More Troops in Iraq
Democrats in particular criticized Bush for again raising the Sept. 11 attacks as a justification for the protracted fight in Iraq after the president proclaimed anew that he plans to keep U.S. forces there as long as necessary to ensure peace.

U.S. Helicopter Apparently Downed by Hostile Fire
Tuesday's attack would apparently be the first time a U.S.-led coalition aircraft here has been downed by hostile fire, representing a major new threat to the coalition. The U.S.-backed mujahedeen war against Soviet occupiers in Afghanistan in the 1980s finally turned when the Afghan fighters acquired the ability to shoot down Soviet aircraft.
Bush cites 9/11 in plea for Iraq support
Bush is striving to rebuild a link in the public's mind between the Iraq war and the terrorist attacks of September 11.

Bush: Bloodshed in Iraq Is 'Worth It'
"Like most Americans, I see the images of violence and bloodshed. Every picture is horrifying and the suffering is real," Bush said, according to excerpts released ahead of time by the White House. "It is worth it."
  George Bush looks like he is on crystal meth
"Blah blah blah stay the course blah blah blah insurgents blah blah blah September 11th blah blah blah September 11th blah blah blah war of terror blah blah blah weapons of mass destruction blah blah Oh yeah, we're invading Iran."

Iraq: A bloody mess
Most of Iraq is today a bloody no-man's land beset by ruthless insurgents, savage bandit gangs, trigger-happy US patrols and marauding government forces.

DSM Memos, Insights Into Ally's Doubts On Iraq War

Blair is 'unfit and drinking'

Poll: Disapproval of Bush at high point
President's best marks on terror?

Poll: Majority of Americans believe Bush administration misled public on Iraq
Bush Lied, 1,743 U.S. Troops Died

Iraq Realities Force Bush to Respond
Tapping into Americans emotions over terrorists attacks in the United States, White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Bush will talk about insurgents killing innocent people?

Iraqi toll at 100,000
The experts from the United States and Iraq said most of those who died were women and children and air strikes from coalition forces accounted for most of the violent deaths.
tar and feather the liars
The President lied to the Congress in his letter of March 18, 2003, the Congressional authorization for the use of force in Iraq is not legally in effect. Therefore, no serviceman or servicewoman is legally obligated to serve in Iraq one more day.
...acting pursuant to the Constitution and Public Law 107-243 is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorists and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001.

We don't have to pay for an illegal war, every American should get a $1,000 Dollar Rebate. Every American should sacrafice during War, not just Troops and their families. Tax the Rich. Draft the Young Republicans.

The cradle of civilization doesn't "know how to run a government"?

What is the goal? What is the mission? By what measure do we decide we have won?

Weapons of mass destruction? They were never there.

Revenge for 9-11? Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.

Saddam Al Qaeda link? Didn't exist. Al Qaeda is an Ameriacn/Israeli Intelligence front group.
When Bush decided, prior to September 11, to attack Iraq, he committed himself to lies and deceit.

BUSH KNEW! trifecta

Improving the lives of the Iraqi? Their lives are worse now than under Saddam.
What the hell is wrong with the former United States In America ?
  Will Israel launch against Iran on Tuesday?
President Bush will deliver a majoraddress to U.S. troops and the nation about Iraq on Tuesdaynight from the U.S. military base at Fort Bragg, NorthCarolina, the White House said.
The White House knows that Tuesday's address is intended to historical.

Iran President-Elect Vows to Pursue Nukes
Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom also said Sunday his nation, which considers Iran one of its greatest enemies, also believes the election was undemocratic.

With Bid for Unocal, U.S. Struggles on China Policies
President Bush's initial response to the proposed takeover of a major American oil company by a Chinese rival has been to duck.

China is building its military forces faster than U.S. intelligence and military analysts expected, prompting fears that Beijing will attack Taiwan in the next two years, according to Pentagon officials.

Simulated oil meltdown shows U.S. economy's vulnerability

Rumsfeld acknowledges secret talks with jihadists -- the ones he says will be fighting in Iraq until 2017. "I would not make a big deal out of it," he says.

General admits to secret air war on Iraq in mid-2K2, without approval from Congress

Six Killed by Suicide Bomb Blast in Mosul

U.S. officials: Mosul suicide attacks kill 41
Land a plane, open the door, blow a whistle!
QUESTION: There are a handful of Senators who (inaudible) Karl Rove (inaudible).

RUMSFELD: Two, to be precise. That’s a small handful, young lady.

QUESTION: Well, I have small hands. They (inaudible) war is not a Democrat or Republican issue (inaudible). Is that because you think the comment is inappropriate?

RUMSFELD: Are you trying to get a headline? Are you trying to get a little daylight between people? No, I answered very well. I’m pleased with my answer. I think it’s the correct answer and

UNIDENTIFIED VOICE: Mr. (inaudible) was satisfied with that answer.

QUESTION: (inaudible) how far are you willing to go (inaudible).
...after 9/11 President Bush, with obvious relish, declared himself a "war president." And he kept the nation focused on martial matters by morphing the pursuit of Al Qaeda into a war against Saddam Hussein.
The United States will soon have to start reducing force levels in Iraq, or risk seeing the volunteer Army collapse. Yet the administration and its supporters have effectively prevented any adult discussion of the need to get out.

Americans overwhelmingly oppose reinstatement of the military draft and most say they wouldn't encourage their children to enlist in the service either!
The Army is falling behind its recruiting goals at a time the country is fighting extended wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army has repeatedly missed its monthly recruiting goals this year, falling short by 42 percent in April.

Republicans losing cool as Iraq worries mount

White House Stands Behind Rove's 9/11 Comments
Democrats said Rove, and his Republican allies, were now trying to change the subject when Democrats, and many Americans, are becoming increasingly critical of the course of the war in Iraq.

2 Marines Killed in Fallujah Car Bombing
Another 13 Marines were wounded in the Thursday night bombing, Some women were among the casualties. At least 1,730 members of the U.S. military have died since the war began in March 2003. Three Marines and a Sailor were missing after the attack.

Suicide Bomber Kills Up to 6 US Troops in Iraq
Guerrilla attacks resuming in Fallujah would be a setback for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other top Pentagon brass. They have cited last year's removal of the insurgent "sanctuary" as one of the positive military developments in the more than two-year-old insurgency in Iraq.

US acknowledges torture at Guantanamo and Iraq, Afghanistan
Don't it just make ya proudnshit to be an American?

An Italian judge has ordered the arrest of 13 CIA agents for allegedly helping deport an imam to Egypt as part of U.S. anti-terrorism efforts.
The U.S. Embassy in Rome declined to comment.
Terror ties to Iran?
Congressman warns of possible nuclear threat

Bush wounded by anger over war
“He’s out in the sticks talking about a social security problem that might occur in 2047, and meanwhile the boys in Iraq are getting killed and injured every day,” said one officer. “Don’t you find that a little odd?”

Bush: US Is in Iraq Because of 9/11?
...the United States was forced into war because of the September 11 terror strikes.

Bush says US is in Iraq because of attacks on US
"We went to war because we were attacked, and we are at war today because there are still people out there who want to harm our country and hurt our citizens," Bush said?

It's been 1,371 days since G.W.B. said he'd catch U.B.L. 'Dead or Alive!'

Bliar's aides believed it would be difficult to justify going to war based on Saddam's suspected stockpiles of WMD alone, or his supposed links to Al Qaeda.

From Downing Street to Capitol Hill
New leaked memos are raising further questions about whether the Bush administration ‘fixed’ its intel to justify the Iraq war.
Two senior British government officials today acknowledged as authentic a series of 2002 pre-Iraq war memos stating that Saddam Hussein's nuclear weapons program was "effectively frozen" and that there was "no recent evidence" of Iraqi ties to international terrorism—private conclusions that contradicted two key pillars of the Bush administration's public case for the invasion in March 2003.

"Downing Street Memo” buzz builds
It seems like Bush can just ignore anything he wants to hide and be able to get away with it. If this memo is true, then Bush should be impeached and hung for murdering all the American and Iraq people killed due to this war.

UK Legal Office: Prewar Bombing Raids Illegal

WHEN WILL WE GET USAMA BIN LADEN? That is a question that goes far deeper than you know. In the chain that you need to successfully wrap up the war on terror, we have some weak links. And I find that until we strengthen all the links, we're probably not going to be able to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice. We are making very good progress on it. But when you go to the very difficult question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you're dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play. We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways that are acceptable to the international community.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Bush: Pulling Out of Iraq Not an Option
Bush also paid tribute to progress seen in Iraq this week.

No More Happy Talk
Bush's public message will be about the high stakes in Iraq and the unacceptable price of failure, according to aides who cite the Somalia withdrawal as a worst-case scenario.

A leading organization for Iraq's Sunni Arabs, the minority once dominant under
Saddam Hussein', accused U.S. forces of killing women and children and destroying homes, schools and other civilian buildings around Karabila and Qaim.

The chief doctor at the area's main hospital in Qaim, Hamdi al-Alusi, said he had seen 10 bodies and treated 17 wounded. Most of those hurt were women and children, he said.

Iraq Restaurant Blast Kills 23, Hurts 36
The Marine who was killed Saturday by small-arms fire during Operation Spear had been assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2 of the 2nd Marine Division. At least 1,720 members of the U.S. military have died since the beginning of the Iraq war in March 2003.

Inside the Iraq fragging incident
For the first time since Vietnam, the term "fragging" is in the news with military officials currently investigating whether revenge was a factor in the murder of two National Guard officers in Iraq

U.S. commander in Baghdad: "Certainly saying anything about 'breaking the back' or 'about to reach the end of the line' or those kinds of things do not apply to the insurgency at this point."

The Enemy Spies
In the shadows: The insurgents' most powerful weapon may be their vast network of infiltrators and spies—forces strengthened by talk of American exit plans. A secret CIA study frets about a whole new generation of master terrorists.

America's 'dwindling coalition' is difficult to escape the impression that Washington's band of coalition partners in Iraq is dwindling.

U.S. Airstrikes Kill 20 Afghan Militants
Three months of bloodshed across the south and east has left hundreds dead and sparked fears that the Afghan war is widening, rather than winding down.

Gitmo under the spotlight
New questions raised about detainee abuse

Leak of secret plan to protect G8 leaders sparks security alert
"I have been increasingly appalled by the air of complacency surrounding this event, particularly as displayed by ministers. The release of a portion of non-operational material is intended as a wake-up call before that complacency becomes truly dangerous."

Crucified nun dies in 'exorcism'
Police say the 23-year-old nun, who was denied food and drink throughout her ordeal, had been tied and chained to the cross and a towel pushed into her mouth to smother any sounds.

Priest unrepentent after crucifying of nun
Before being crucified she had been kept shut up for several days, her hands and feet tied and without food or drink, he said.
I'm a coward.

I support Bush's lies about Weapons Of Mass Destruction In Iraq.
Israeli Occupation Forces disperses riot with sound technology
Military officials say new weapon uses voice frequencies; troops use weapon for first time during violent anti-West Bank separation barrier rally

The hand of honorary Sheik Amjad Abu Sadio, 13, is seen on the Quran as he reads prior to delivering the traditional Friday speech during prayers at the Al Imam Shafay Mosque in the Jebaliya Refugee Camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, Friday, June 3, 2005. Hundreds of Muslim worshippers flocked to a mosque in one of Gaza's largest refugee camps on Friday to get a glimpse of Gaza's newest star,a 13-year-old boy who has memorized much of the Quran.

Members of Bangladesh Soldiers of Islam, the children wing of Youth Jamiyat, hold the Quran during an anti-U.S. protest in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Friday, June 3, 2005. The group was demonstrating against the alleged desecration of the Quran by U.S. soldiers in Guantanamo Bay.

Koran Inquiry Reveals Pattern of 'Respectful Handling'?
The inquiry found no credible evidence that the flushing incident occurred, U.S. Southern Command officials said in a news release. "This matter is considered closed," the statement said.

White House Plays Down New Quran Reports

It is unfortunate that some have chosen to take out of context a few isolated incidents by a few individuals," presidential faggot Scott McClellan said in a statement. McClellan declined to answer questions about whether the White House issued misleading statements, whether the credibility of the Bush administration had been tarnished or whether the Pentagon report would hamper Bush's efforts to spread democracy in the Middle East.

ush, Cheney and the Pentagon Should be Tried for Treason for This: Pentagon Now Confirms the Quran Was Abused in a Variety of Ways, Including Urinating on It. When Will the Criminal Liars in the White House be Held Accountable, Prosecuted and Placed in Jail for Deceiving the American Public, Falsely Accusing the Media, and Putting America's National Security at Grave Risk? When?

U.S.: Gitmo Quran Was Splashed With Urine
In another confirmed incident, water balloons thrown by prison guards caused an unspecified number of Qurans to get wet, and in a confirmed but ambiguous case, a two-word obscenity was written in English on the inside cover of a Quran. The findings, released after normal business hours Friday evening and after the major TV networks had aired their evening news programs, are among the results of an investigation last month by Brig. Gen. Jay Hood, the commander of the detention center in Cuba. A Newsweek magazine report _ later retracted _ that a U.S. soldier had flushed one Guantanamo Bay detainee's Quran down a toilet triggered the investigation. The story stirred worldwide controversy, and the Bush administration blamed it for deadly demonstrations in Afghanistan.

Gitmo Guard 'Accidentally' Urinates On Prisoner

Pentagon Confirms Quran Incident at Gitmo...
There are about 540 detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Some have been there more than three years without being charged with a crime. Most were captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan in 2001 and 2002 and were sent to Guantanamo Bay in hope of extracting useful intelligence about the al-Qaida terrorist network.

U.S. Confirms Gitmo Soldier Kicked Quran...
Allegations of Quran desecration at Guantanamo Bay have led to anti-American passions in many Muslim nations, although Pentagon officials have insisted that the problems were relatively minor and that U.S. commanders have gone to great lengths to enable detainees to practice their religion in captivity.

Judge: Release Abu Ghraib Photos, Video Tapes
Government lawyer Sean Lane had argued that releasing pictures, even in redacted form, would violate Geneva Convention rules by subjecting the detainees to additional humiliation.

Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan
The deaths brought to 147 the number of U.S. troops killed in and around Afghanistan since their mission began in 2001.

It's been 1,356 days since G.W.B. said he'd catch U.B.L. 'Dead or Alive!'

"That's a lot of secret money."

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Al Qaeda Clashes Caught on Tape
New Training Camps Seen in Pakistan

Singer Sheds bin Ladin Name, Aims for Stardom
Her father is Osama's half-brother and they are just two of the 54 children fathered by Mohammed bin Laden, whose construction companies have changed the face of the Middle East.

Dark Clouds Follow Operation Lightning
Vice President Dick Cheney said this week that the insurgency was on its last legs.
But if the insurgency continues to rage at its current levels of activity, the pressure will be on the White House and the Pentagon to come up with new answers -- and fast.

Reports of terrorists meeting in Syria were flawed, U.S. officials say
U.S. intelligence has no evidence that terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi visited Syria in recent months to plan bombings in Iraq, and experts don't believe the widely publicized meeting ever happened, according to U.S. officials. Two weeks ago, a top U.S. military official in Baghdad, Iraq, told reporters that Zarqawi had traveled to Syria in April and met with leaders of the Iraqi insurgency to plan the recent wave of bombings against American troops and the Iraqi government. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity. In the following days, top Bush administration and Iraqi officials increased their threats against Syria.

White House downplays Iraq missing weapons report
White House faggot Scott McClellan said the Bush administration had taken steps to ensure sites were secured, and he suggested it was doubtful the looted material was being used to boost other countries' weapons programs.

After two devastating sieges of Fallujah in April and November of 2004, which left thousands of Iraqis dead and hundreds of thousands without homes, the aftermath of the US attempt to rid the city of resistance fighters in an effort to improve security in the country continues to plague the residents of Fallujah, and Iraq as a whole.
"The mood is that people will never forget what was done to them and their city. I don't think we'll see the end of this. People will never forget to have their revenge on the American troops, but they would like to prepare themselves for another attack. This is what the Fallujan negotiators had warned the Americans of. Lack of security, which is ongoing in Iraq now, is one these results."

Suicide Bomber Kills 10 at Iraq Gathering of Sufi Muslims on Day of Dozens of Deaths
An unattended car bomb exploded in western Baghdad as an American convoy passed by, wounding three Iraqis and damaging nearby shops. In the northern city of Tikrit, Mr. Hussein's hometown, a suicide car bomb detonated at an Iraqi Army checkpoint, wounding seven Iraqi soldiers and two civilians. Lt. Col. Steve Boylan, an American military spokesman, said the rocket attack on Tuesday had killed a member of the 155th Brigade Combat Team. The rocket landed outside the troops' supply store in Camp Liberty, next to Baghdad International Airport, and also wounded five soldiers and seven civilians.

Bolton Said to Orchestrate Unlawful Firing
The Iraq connection to the OPCW affair comes as fresh evidence surfaces that the Bush administration was intent from early on to pursue military and not diplomatic action against Saddam Hussein's regime. An official British document, disclosed last month, said Prime Minister Tony Blair agreed in April 2002 to join in an eventual U.S. attack on Iraq. Two weeks later, Bustani was ousted, with British help.

"Menacing" Bolton illegally orchestrated the firing of an official who wanted to inspect WMD rumors in Iraq -- and could have defused Bush's fixing of the facts

About 10,000 opposition protesters chanted "Freedom!" and carried pictures of President Bush as they marched across Azerbaijan's capital Saturday, urging the government of this U.S. ally to step down and allow free parliamentary elections this year.
Supporters of several opposition parties chanted "Freedom!" and "Free Elections!" while holding placards with such slogans as "Down with robber government!" Some carried a picture of Bush with the inscription: "We want freedom!"

Army faces looming recruiting crisis...
No Shit!

Evidence of War Lies Mostly Ignored in US,2933,158228,00.html
"I can't speak for what the TV news decides to focus their attention on, They seem to have a willful deference to all relevant information. I think they've really just dropped the ball on this."

The sobering reality of the Iraq war,1,5831479.column?coll=chi-news-col&ctrack=1&cset=true
"From Hezbollah in Lebanon to Hamas on the West Bank to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka," Pape writes, "every group mounting a suicide campaign over the past two decades has had as a major objective--or as its central objective--coercing a foreign state that has military forces in what the terrorists see as their homeland to take those forces out." Even the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were part of Al Qaeda's longstanding effort to force the U.S. to withdraw its forces from Saudi Arabia.

Washington Is the Source of Terror
The U.S. government gave the slave trade a boost by offering money for al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters. Afghan and Pakistani warlords simply rounded up people who looked Arab or foreign and sold them to the Americans as captured fighters. The "fighters" apparently included relief workers, refugees, and Arab businessmen. The tribunals looking into the classification of Guantanamo prisoners as "enemy combatants" have uncovered numerous examples of hapless victims of a naive U.S. government too flush with money. The Bush administration, of course, denies that it bought its detainees, as it denies everything.

Iraq's security services have suffered their deadliest month since the fall of Saddam Hussein, illustrating the rise in violence in the country.
The insurgents seem to be improving the sophistication of their attacks.

North Korea called Vice President Dick Cheney a "bloodthirsty beast" on Thursday, in response to Cheney saying the North's leader Kim Jong-il was irresponsible and ran a police state.
"Cheney is hated as the most cruel monster and bloodthirsty beast, as he has drenched various parts of the world in blood,"
President Bush dismissed as "absurd" the Amnesty report, which also said the United States was responsible for an upsurge in global human rights violations, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called the description "reprehensible."
  George Bush looks like he is on crystal meth
America needs to get it's fucking ass-holes kicked up into it's fucking heads to release all that shit where brains should have been and that brown stuff's been really building up in the last 100 years!

"Perhaps all presidents' remarks in military graveyards are by nature self-serving. But few have been so callow as the president's using the deaths of U.S. troops in his unjustified war as justification for its continuance."
Bush insists on clinging to the thoroughly discredited notion that there was any connection between the old Iraqi regime -- no matter how lawless and brutal -- and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

At least 20 killed in Afghan mosque blast
The attack — which came on the heels of a major upsurge in rebel violence in recent months including assassinations, near-daily clashes with rebels and the kidnapping of an Italian aid worker — further raised fears that militants here were copying the tactics of insurgents in Iraq.

Bush’s Wrecking Crew: Breaking Iraq into Six Pieces
The Pentagon, through black operations, is currently attempting to pull off with “pseudo-gang” (think al-Zarqawi) false flag terrorist groups (for instance, sectarian bombings of mosques and assassination of religious figures, operations distinctly different than those launched by the resistance, viz., using suicide bombers against Iraqi police and security forces organized by the Americans).

The last throes of truth in Iraq
On CNN's ''Larry King Live" on Monday, Vice President Dick Cheney said of the violence in Iraq, ''I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency." This is after May became the deadliest month for US forces since the January elections, with 76 US military casualties.

Is the U.S. mission in Iraq worth the toll in troop deaths?
No. 83%
Yes. 17%

Did Someone Say Withdrawal?
Rather than prepare an exit strategy, the US military is instead planning to consolidate its forces in four massive American bases in Iraq. The move is not part of a plan to establish a permanent US military presence, officials assured the Washington Post. But the structures have distinctly permanent characteristics, replete with blast-proof barracks. The funding came as part of the $82 billion supplemental approved a few weeks back. Congress, to be sure, raised nary a peep.

Iraq Concerned U.S. May Leave Too Soon ?
George Bush on Tuesday denied any increase of strength in the Iraqi insurgency, whose deadly attacks have been on the rise since a new government was announced April 28.

U.S. death toll in Iraq surges amid rebel violence
Defense analysts said the recent violence was the latest evidence Iraq remains an uncertain project for America.

Baghdad Airport Road Attacked by Bomber
Iraqi authorities are trying to take the fight to Iraqis, who have launched attacks that have killed at least 765 people, including U.S. troops!

“Things are getting worse by the day.”
The mayhem continues in Iraq, with today at least 40 people dead, including five US soldiers in Diyala province as the meltdown of the failed US-led occupation continues.

Wanted "Militants" Captured in Iraqi Raids
An ongoing massive Iraqi-led offensive dubbed Operation Lightning is aimed at curbing the constant violence?

U.S. Army officers cite lack of troops in key region
OCCUPIED IRAQ - U.S. Army officers in the badland deserts of northwest Iraq, near the Syrian border, say they don't have enough troops to hold the ground they take from insurgents in this transit point for weapons, money and foreign fighters.

60,000 Iraqis 'Disappeared' into US Camps
Independent journalist, Dahr Jamail, citing local humanitarian and other sources says the number of Iraqis detained by occupation forces is now well over 60,000 -far in excess of the commonly quoted official figure of 17,000.

U.S. Has Long History of Waging Wrong Wars
Any country does better defending itself than fighting other people's wars. Problems arise when invading a foreign country, such as fighting on unfamiliar terrain and dealing with people who speak different languages and have very different values. A foreign country's actions are hard for the U.S. to predict. Moreover, because the U.S. is fighting in somebody else's country, its adversaries know that eventually the troops are going home, and if they hold out long enough, they could prevail.

Military Finds Itself in Twilight Zone
Thus, a cowed and politicized military establishment, hailed as invincible just two years ago, marches steadily on a demoralizing but all-too-familiar path.

Fox News Admits Bias!
Even we at Fox News manage to get some lefties on the air occasionally, and often let them finish their sentences before we club them to death and feed the scraps to Karl Rove and Bill O'Reilly.

FOX News finally notices the Downing Street Memo, but downplays it
"Bush wanted to remove Saddam Hussein, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD," the memo reads. "But the intelligence and the facts were being fixed around the policy!"

The war in Iraq is illegal.
...the judge said, "I believe the government has just successfully proved that any seaman recruit has reasonable cause to believe that the wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq were illegal."

Bush Hints He Will Withhold Other Papers on Bolton
The United States, he said, "promotes freedom around the world" and fully investigates allegations of improper behavior toward prisoners in a transparent way. The Amnesty International report, Mr. Bush said, struck him as being based in part on "allegations by people who were held in detention, people who hate America."

What's Really Behind The White House Stonewall Over Bolton Documents?
And what is in those reports? The names of American individuals and companies that may have violated export restriction bans on the shipment of dangerous weapons material to China, Libya, and even Iran. And is it too big of a leap to assume that some or all of these firms may prove to be very damaging to the White House, as campaign contributors?

Bolton documents contain classified company names
The administration has permitted the top Republican and the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee to review copies of 10 intelligence reports, based on communications intercepted by the agency, about which Bolton requested the additional information. But the names of Americans and U.S. companies were deleted, and the administration has refused to provide the names to Senate leaders.

Amnesty International responds to President Bush's comments
President Bush again failed to address longstanding concerns regarding US detention policies and practices in the context of the "war on terror", Amnesty International said in response to his comments today.

The Bush Administration Was For Amnesty International Before It Was Against It
Secretary Rumsfeld repeatedly turned to Amnesty to highlight the repressive nature of Saddam’s regime. On March 27, 2003, Rumsfeld said: We know that it’s a repressive regime…Anyone who has read Amnesty International or any of the human rights organizations about how the regime of Saddam Hussein treats his people…

Rumsfeld defends US military against detainee torture allegations
US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld strongly criticised the media on Wednesday for what he called uneven coverage of whether US forces abuse terror suspects and defended the military against such charges.

This morning, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld brought up the stories of ongoing abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Instead of addressing the actual charges, however, Rumsfeld attacked the media for continuing to cover the story.
He said: Two of the country’s largest newspapers, for example, have devoted more than 80 editorials combined since March of 2004 to Abu Ghraib and detainee issues, often repeating the same erroneous assertions and recycling the same stories. By comparison, precious little has been written by those editorial boards about the beheading of innocent civilians by terrorists, the thousands of bodies found in mass graves in Iraq, the allegations of rape of women and girls by U.N. workers in the Congo.

Condoleezza Rice: "a bitch running riot on the beach".
The sketch, it observed sarcastically, was littered with "gems of totalitarian wit".

Rice gets desperate to create a war
The U.S. and its allies in a program to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction prevented Iran from obtaining material for its nuclear weapons program within the past nine months, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said.

Galloway Wary Of Staged Terror Attack As Pretext For Iran Invasion
Galloway was confident that massively opposed public opinion would stop an attack from taking place, unless a staged terror attack carried out by the military industrial complex and blamed on Iran was carried out.

Reagan Pardoned 'Deep Throat' for Illegal Spying on Antiwar Activists
Four years ago, thousands of draft evaders and others who violated the Selective Service laws were unconditionally pardoned by my predecessor. America was generous to those who refused to serve their country in the Vietnam war. We can be no less generous to two men who acted on high principle to bring an end to the terrorism that was threatening our nation.
neither Right or Left

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Location: Albuquerque, The Homeland

So when do we get invaded to remove the rogue government that spies on its own people, gases its own people during anti War protests, stages "terrorist" attacks, holds crooked elections, attacks other nations without cause, and uses torture on innocent people looking for WMD that don't exist?

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