Post American

Peace Activist Sheehan Hurt at Rally
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said Tuesday she was hurt slightly in a scuffle that erupted when police broke up a rally as she was at the microphone. Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq last year, is calling for the immediate return of troops from the region. Her 25-state tour is set to culminate Saturday with an anti-war march in Washington. She gained prominence when she staged a 26-day protest near Bush's ranch outside Crawford, Texas.

Government: Man Wanted Bush Assassinated
A suspected terrorist accused of conspiring to assassinate President Bush said he proposed the plot but it wasn't pursued, and he was frustrated that other members of his al-Qaida cell lacked initiative, according to prosecutors.

Military: Troop Deaths Hit 1,903 in Iraq
Four U.S. soldiers attached to the Marines were killed in two separate roadside bombings near the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi, the military said Tuesday, raising the number of American forces who have died in Iraq since the start of the war to 1,903.
The soldiers died in two separate bomb attacks on Monday during combat operations

OCCUPIED BAGHDAD -- Iraqi police detained two British soldiers in civilian clothes in the southern city Basra for firing on a police station on Monday, police said. "Two persons wearing Arab uniforms opened fire at a police station in Basra. A police patrol followed the attackers and captured them to discover they were two British soldiers," an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua. The two soldiers were using a civilian car packed with explosives, the source said.

British tanks crash through jail, freeing captured Britons
Witnesses said about 150 Iraqi prisoners fled the jail as well. Violence flared earlier in the day as demonstrators hurled stones and Molotov cocktails at British tanks and at least four people were killed in the major outbreak of violence.

Britain defends use of force in freeing soldiers
Two undercover British soldiers were caught driving a car full of explosives while dressed as Arabs. They were arrested after firing on Iraqi police. Needless to say, the extreme methods used by the British to wrest their men from the regular legal authority only underscores that they have something to hide. Of course, it's too late. This whole incident confirms that the so-called "insurgent" bombings are really being carried out by UK and US operatives.

Meltdown in Basra
Two British Soldiers were caught playing Arabs with a car full of explosives. Compounding the evidence of deceptions is the British Army, which broke the two men out of jail using tanks rather than allow them to be questioned about what they were doing dressed up as Arabs and driving a car full of explosives.

The British government has admitted its troops smashed into an Iraqi police jail in an effort to rescue two detained undercover agents, although neither captive was in the prison at the time of the raid.
London-based independent defence analyst Paul Beaver said the problem appeared to have been caused by a British intelligence operation to infiltrate insurgent forces going wrong.

Whore Media Rallies To Rebuild Bush's Presidential Image
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So when do we get invaded to remove the rogue government that spies on its own people, gases its own people during anti War protests, stages "terrorist" attacks, holds crooked elections, attacks other nations without cause, and uses torture on innocent people looking for WMD that don't exist?

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