Post American

Almost 70 Percent Of U.S. Casualties In Iraq Under Age 30 ?

The Sound Of Silence
Silence is the sound of surrender. The sound of fear. Creating fear is the quickest way to achieve silence. Who benefits from the silence? Who would want to mute the mouths of Americans? You ask yourself that question; don't run around asking everyone else until you can answer it. It is not a trick question. It is a very simple question and has been answered by generations of the past. Rome, Germany, Russia, France, and China are prime examples of a people that were silent. As the past will prove, it is not an imaginary organization that benefits from a nations silence. Indeed, it is the leaders of that nation’s government which benefits from the silence.

Burning Bush

Cheney Must Explain CIA Leak Role--or Resign
What did Mr. Cheney know and when did he know it?

Senior WH Aide: “This Is A White House In Turmoil Right Now” …
Influence Of The Vice President Will Decrease…
Sen. Reid: Bush, Cheney Should Apologize And Rove Should Resign… Bush/Cheney Relationship Has Suffered “A Strain, Not A Rupture”… Majority Say Indictment Signals Broader Ethical problems In WH… Libby May Plea Bargain To Avoid Embarrassing White House Revelations… First Criminal Charges Arising From Selling The War... Shows How Aggressively Cheney’s Office Sold War And Attacked Critics… Tip Of The Iceberg... Libby Was Cheney's Eyes And Ears… First WH Aide Indicted In 130 Years… Novak Still Won't Talk… Unidentified “Official A” Leaker Confirmed As Rove…
Bush Approval In Wash Post-ABC Poll Falls To Lowest In Presidency….

Iraq war appears likely to go on trial along with Libby
Did the administration handle intelligence properly, and was it honest in building its case for war?

Indictments put focus on neoconservatives
In the late 1990s, Libby was among those associated with the Project for a New American Century, a think tank that publicly urged President Clinton to use military force to remove Hussein from power.

Bush, Cheney Urged to Apologize for Aides
"This has gotten way out of hand, and the American people deserve better than this."

Military Recruiters, Parents Battle at High School
A provision in the federal No Child Left Behind Act, signed in 2002, requires schools to give military recruiters the same access and information as college recruiters -- meaning home phone numbers and addresses.

Syria accuses US of military raids

US to attack Syria
GW: "We expect Syria to do everything in its power to shut down the transshipment of suiciders and killers into Iraq," he said.

This from the nation that can't keep illegals from streaming across their own southern border?!?

FLASHBACK: Pentagon Plans Iran Attack Over Oil Euro Marker By Christmas 2005
This was written in 2001!
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Location: Albuquerque, The Homeland

So when do we get invaded to remove the rogue government that spies on its own people, gases its own people during anti War protests, stages "terrorist" attacks, holds crooked elections, attacks other nations without cause, and uses torture on innocent people looking for WMD that don't exist?

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