Post American
Changes in Law
1. Abolish the Federal Reserve, a private corporation. Make the US Treasury issue debt free money.
2. Abolish the income tax, the 2nd plank of the communist manifesto.
3. Every citizen must be trained and own a weapon as the Swiss people do.
4. Every prosecutor, or any officer of law that subjorns perjury, introduced false evidence, makes pleas with criminals, should be tried for subverting the law.
5. Enforce the constitutional mandate of Art 1, Sec 10: no State shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debt.
6. Enact a law to immediately dismiss from office any congressman who violates his oath and immediately dismiss any legislation that is not in accordance to the constitution.
7. Abolish foreign aid.
8. Bring back the common law courts of the people.
9. Abolish inheiritence tax.
10. Make supporting any goverment official, or government, voluntary.
11. Abolish property tax.
12. Make a life sentence mean l-i-f-e.
13. And then the ones you mentioned.
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Location: Albuquerque, The Homeland

So when do we get invaded to remove the rogue government that spies on its own people, gases its own people during anti War protests, stages "terrorist" attacks, holds crooked elections, attacks other nations without cause, and uses torture on innocent people looking for WMD that don't exist?

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